Por pici y gragn
For children and adults
Ti pröms vari cun n lingaz nü, vál debojëgn da savëi les parores da vigni de, chëres che cür i bojëgns fisics y soziai dla porsona, chëres che dëida ti dé n inom a valch, che dëida damané y cunté. Chësc dizionar ilustré cür plü lingac cun öna na imaja por toch o cossa. Anfat te ci lingaz che an ó imparé na parora, i edli y le ciorvel vëiga y tol sö ince les atres che é coliades a chë imaja. Imparé y se recordé gareta saurí.
In this illustrated picture dictionary, you can find basic vocabulary for various topics in four languages. A different colour is associated with each language. Notice the differences between them or find useful similarities. Through the mind map structure, your eyes focus on the picture and the word simultaneously, thus creating strong links between the word and its meaning. Your brain gets interested and looks out for more. Learning and remembering becomes easy and fun. This picture dictionary will help all those who want to learn basic vocabulary in a foreign language.